Objective: To assist Nintendo of America with the post-launch marketing and branding of the new Wii game system.
Strategy & Execution: The most unique aspect of the new Wii game system is the hand-held remote that allows players to interact wirelessly with the game screen. Capitalizing on this point of differentiation among its competitors, Nintendo designed a keychain flashlight replica of the remote. Even better, the lighted element of the keychain was a blue light, similar to the blue LED light on the real remote. The keychain was promoted on Nintendo websites as a free gift for new subscribers of Nintendo Power Magazine. The “gotta have it” appeal of the keychain quickly made it a hot topic on Nintendo blogs and on gaming bulletin boards. The keychain may even earn a “bonus life” as there has been significant interest from retail stores to offer the item for re-sale.
Results: Immediately following the promotion, there was a distinct and significant spike in subscriptions to Nintendo Power Magazine. To date, over 130,000 Wii Lighted Remote Keychains have shipped with even more purchase orders submitted.
What: Keychain
Who: Nintendo of America
Where: http://www.nintendo.com/